A warm welcome to everyone who is
worshipping with us today.
Thank you to Pastor Gary for
leading our worship service today.
8:30 AM
Scripture: [Psalm 46] page 885
[Matthew 13:10-17] page 1517
Being Quiet
Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Dennis Bordewyk
Ben and Carol Mulder
Dan Buck
Vae VanDenHoek
Jim and Donna Bultje
Pam McMahon
Prayer Family of the Week: Davis Vanden Berge Family
Servers Today: January 26
Lanetta VanZee and Sandra Schrader
February 2 Michael Vogt Family
February 9 Jessica Brouwer Family
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
7:00 p.m. Catechism
This Week:
January 31 Patricia Mills
February 2 Martha DeVries
***Tuesday Mornings at Grandview 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Fellowship 8:00 a.m.
Women’s Bible Study at 9:00 a.m.
***Praise Team
February 2: Mariann, Eric, Lisa
February 9 Amy, Chelsey, Jessica, Cheri
February 16 Joan, Merlin, Mandi, Krista
February 23 Mariann, Angela, Lisa
***Cleaning Crew for February: Lisa Fink and Greg Link
***If you love to sing and are interested in being added to the praise singers list, please let Amy, Mariann or Joan know. We would love to have you join us.
***Great news! There are some new fiction books out by your favorite authors. We have Karen Kingsbury’s new series Angels Walking and several new books by Francine Rivers. More new books are coming soon. We have gotten many new books from donations too.! For those of you who love Janette Oke, several of her books have been donated. Check out the counter in the library. There are some great books there. Thank you to those who donated these books. They are all a wonderful addition to our library.
***The Marriage Conference: Reconnecting Through Love and Laughter featuring speaker Greg Speck will be held February 15 at Trinity Reformed Church in Sioux Falls. (Married attendees only). For more information and to register visit: trinityrcus.org
***The next consistory meeting will be held Wednesday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m.
***February 16 Pastor Dan Ebbens will be leading worship at Grandview.
***Save date! Grandview Spring Carnival will be Friday, April 11.