Grandview Reformed Church

27991 US Hwy 281
Armour, SD

View/listen to past sermons

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A warm welcome to everyone who is worshipping with us today.
Thank you to Pastor Gary for leading our worship services

8:30 AM

Scripture: [Daniel 2:24-49] page 1372
Message: Living the Dream


Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Prayer Family of the Week: Jeannie Eldridge


    Jim Bultje
    Donna Bultje
    Dan Buck
    Vae VanDenHoek
    Larry & Ronda Wilson
    Pam McMahon
    Ryan Kortemeyer


Servers today: July 21 Gene and Joann Poelstra/
                                        Mark and Margaret Vanderwerff
July 28 Davis and Teresa VandenBerge Family
Aug. 4 Lanetta VanZee


This Week:

    July 21 Olivia DeWaard
    July 22 Josie Brouwer
    July 24 Griffin VandenBerge
    July 25 Corbin Fuoss
    July 25 Sandra Schrader


***Tuesday mornings at Grandview 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Fellowship 8:00 a.m. Women’s Bible study at 9:00 a.m.

*** Meals on Wheels delivery by Grandview July 22-26. Thank you to those who volunteer to make the deliveries.



***We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper on July 28.

***Save the date: J2O Day Camp July 31 from 1:00-6:00 p.m. Kids going into K-6 are welcome to attend! Invite your friends to come with you!



***Gene and Joann are serving cake and ice cream today in honor of their 65th anniversary which will be July 28. Congratulations and blessings on you both. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” -John 15:12

***Thank you for cards, phone calls, and greetings for our 60th anniversary. May God bless you for your kindness. -Marv and Pat Mills


Library News:
There are some different fiction books out on the table for you to check out. There are a variety of different authors for you to get acquainted with. There are also a couple of non-fiction books out there that I thought looked really good.


Bible question: What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?

If you have needs or concerns, please contact one of the elders

Dean Fink, Gene Poelstra, Jay Spaans, or Gary Menning

Pastor Gary Maas can be reached at 946-5362 [home] Cell: 680-3641


All bulletin information should now be directed to Joan Mulder,

Text or call at (605) 770-1189 or email GrandviewReformed[at]