Grandview Reformed Church

27991 US Hwy 281
Armour, SD

View/listen to past sermons

Sunday, September 29, 2024

A warm welcome to everyone who is worshipping with us today.
Thank you to Pastor Dan Ebbens for leading our worship service today.

8:30 AM



Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

    Jim Bultje
    Ben and Carol Mulder
    Dan Buck
    Vae VanDenHoek
    Ryan Kortemeyer
    Pam McMahon
    Chad Wentland

Prayer Family of the Week: Greg Link


Servers today: Dean and Lisa Fink
October 6 Mark Fuoss Family
October 13 Craig Holbeck Family



Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

Catechism: 7:00 p.m.


This Week:

    October 1 Dean Fink
    October 5 Ivan VanDerWerff

    October 6 Jay and Mary DeWaard


***Tuesday mornings at Grandview 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
        Fellowship 8:00 a.m.     Women’s Bible study at 9:00 a.m.



***Thank you to Pastor Dan Ebbens for leading our worship
        service today. The offering today will be for Living Stone
        Prison Church and Freedom’s Gate Church.

***A nomination box for elders and deacons will be out starting
        this Sunday with nominations due by October 16.

***Dear Women of Hope,
        Thank you for your gift of $300 in September for my ministry with
        Cru. It is a big help! Thank you so much! I am thankful for your
        friendships and generosity. ---Comda DeVries

***Cleaning crew for October: Lanetta Van Zee and Amy Bialas



*** You are invited to Harrison Community Church Sunday evening, October 13th at 7:00 p.m. for a Request Program. Refreshments to follow.

***The next consistory meeting will be October 16 at 8:00 p.m.

***Praise Team Sunday, October 6: Mariann, Angela, Chelsey

*** Tri County Right to Life: This fall Amendment G will be on our ballots.  This amendment would legalize painful, late-term abortions, including abortions after the baby is viable outside the womb and up to the point of birth.  Please pray that South Dakota voters would vote to protect unborn lives.


Some bring Frankincense, Some Bring Myrrh, Some Bring a Drum!
Gathering interest for an Armour community Christmas concert on Sunday evening, Dec 8th. Seeking 1) singers and instrumentalists for a chorus 2) solo or small group contributions (music, monologues, skits, worshipful dance). Limited rehearsal schedule.  Welcome even if talent is rusty! Please contact Amy Bialas (605-484-3155) or Joan Mulder (605-770-1189) if interested. 
There is a flyer posted on the bulletin board in the entry.

If you have needs or concerns, please contact one of the elders

Dean Fink, Gene Poelstra, Jay Spaans, or Gary Menning

Pastor Gary Maas can be reached at 946-5362 [home] Cell: 680-3641


All bulletin information should now be directed to Joan Mulder,

Text or call at (605) 770-1189 or email GrandviewReformed[at]