A warm welcome to everyone who is
worshipping with us today.
Thank you to Pastor Gary for
leading worship service today.
8:30 AM
Scripture: [Genesis 18:16-33, 19:27-29] page 25
[Matthew 22: 34-40] page 1535
Bidding For God
Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Dennis Bordewyk
Ben and Carol Mulder
Dan Buck
Vae VanDenHoek
Jim and Donna Bultje
Pam McMahon
Prayer Family of the Week: Mariann Uttecht
Servers Today: January 19 Dean
and Lisa Fink
January 26 Mariann Uttecht and Priscilla Sulzer
February 2 Michael Vogt Family
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
5:30 p.m. Youth Group at ACC
7:00 p.m. Catechism
This Week:
January 23 Arlin VandeZande
January 24 Henry Krell
January 25 Mary DeWaard
***Tuesday Mornings at Grandview 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Fellowship 8:00 a.m.
Women’s Bible Study at 9:00 a.m.
***Praise Team Sunday, January 26: Joan, Angela, Cheri and Krista
***Cleaning Crew for January: Carla Jelsma and Amy Jelsma
***Thank you from Abbott House: Wow! What a wonderful Christmas our girls had—due in large part to people like you! They love, love, LOVE the snuggies you gave them. They spent Christmas Eve (when they opened them) and all of Christmas Day watching movies, eating, and enjoying their snuggies. Thank you for all you do to make our girls feel special. Happy New Year ----Virginia
***Women of Hope will hold their annual meeting on Monday, January 20 at 5:30. All women of the church are welcome.
***If you love to sing and are interested in being added to the praise singers list, please let Amy, Mariann or Joan know. We would love to have you join us!
***The Marriage Conference: Reconnecting Through Love and Laughter featuring speaker Greg Speck will be held February 15 at Trinity Reformed Church in Sioux Falls. (Married attendees only). For more information and to register visit: trinityrcus.org
***The next consistory meeting will be held Wednesday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m.
ARC Information
*** Over the past week, we have watched wildfires consume areas
around Los Angeles, California. As ARC churches have begun to
respond with prayer, exploring ways to donate, and serve the people
who have experienced devastating loss we would like to share a link
to our partner in disaster response, World Renew. World Renew is in
the initial stages of planning their response to the people impacted
by the LA Wildfires.
You can learn more about World Renew and
their Disaster Response Service below.
You can donate directly to World Renew's
efforts in responding to the wildfires by clicking on the button
From the ARC Revitalization Team.
At our
Fall Gathering, we had an equipping session on church
revitalization. At that meeting, we introduced the idea of a monthly
COHORT for leaders interested in revitalization/renewal in the local
church. Our first meeting will be next week, Jan. 21st at
7pm via Zoom.
Who should attend?
Any leaders in the church concerned or excited about renewing the
local church.
The first topic will be: "Why We do Church
- Understanding Vision"
To help us prepare we are
asking you to RSVP to Jacob Van Der Linden (vanderlindenjacob@gmail.com) with
a head count and any questions you have. You will receive a
Zoom link after you've signed up.